Numbers to Know
Lucky J Arena - 417-358-2370
Show Secretary - Johnelle - 417-883-8427
Show Manager - Curt - 417-861-3138 (cell)
Stall Reservations - 417-883-8427 **please call if you are unable to keep stall reservations**
Hotels: Mention the OMCHA to get the horse show rates at these hotels.
Quality Inn & Suites - 417-359-5900
Super 8 Motel - 417-359-9000
Important Stuff
On Saturday, all entries in FRESH CATTLE classes need to be made by 11:00am.
You must provide copies of Registration Papers or Transfer Papers for each horse entered and NCHA numbers for the Owner(s) and Rider(s) to the secretary prior to entry into each class.
Helpful Hint - take a photo of your papers on your phone so that you will have them handy at the shows.
You need to know your eligibility for limited classes, as well as that of your horses.
ALL Owners and Riders must be OMCHA and NCHA members.
Like and Follow the OMCHA Facebook page to get the most current news and events updates.
Dates & Judges
May 3-4 Frank Craighead
Oct 4-5
Nov 1-2
RV Parking
The Lucky J has RV spots available.
$35/night for 30 amp
$45/night for 50 amp
Contact Curt to reserve your spot.
String Cow
The OMCHA provides a Show-Pro mechanical cow for practice works during our shows.
5 minutes for $20
$500 Limit Buckle
Each month the winner of the $500 Limit Rider Buckle class will receive a Cut Above buckle.
Stalls are $40 for the first night and $25 for each additional night. Each stall includes two (2) bags of shavings. Extra shaving are $10/bag.
Call/text Curt by 11:00am on Thursday before the show to book your stalls so they can be bedded and labeled with your name.
Show Schedule
Show starts at 9:00am
4 yr old Open**
4 yr old Non Pro**
Non Pro**
2000 Limit Rider**
50,000 Amateur**
25,000 Novice**
25,000 Novice Non Pro**
5000 Novice**
5000 Novice Non Pro**
15,000 Amateur
35,000 Non-Pro
1000 Amateur
Show starts at 9:00am
4 yr old Open**
4 yr old Non Pro**
Non Pro**
2000 Limit Rider**
Youth (Jr & Sr)
50,000 Amateur**
25,000 Novice**
25,000 Novice Non Pro**
500 Limit Rider
5000 Novice**
5000 Novice Non Pro**
15,000 Amateur
35,000 Non-Pro
1000 Amateur
**Fresh Cattle Classes
Show Videos
Order at the video booth. $5/ride, an email link will be sent for viewing on dropbox.